Thursday, November 25, 2010

B2B Marketing Tips

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How does one get started developing business-to-business (B2B) leads? Unfortunately, there is no one magic solution, but below you will find some recommended steps to take when trying to stimulate B2B lead generation.

These are some of the best ways to use b2b lead generation to locate and connect with future business customers:

Networking - Go to functions and trade shows where your clients are likely to go. Make your company known with a booth, or sponsor a guest panel. One fantastic way for a company to generate business is to offer a free demo at a convention or trade show. Be sure that you have ample information about your company and products on hand to distribute at the event.

Getting to Know Your Area Representatives - With many larger companies, the area representative can have considerable power in terms of deciding which companies to do business with, and which ones not to. Their level in the industry may at first seem on the lower end, but because they have their ear to the ground, many higher ups will often times take their advice about a client. They are influential in decisions, and having a good personal rapport with them can get your name on the table.

Cold Calling - I admit that it’s probably the most unpleasant way of dealing with other companies, but there is a reason it works. A company that’s never heard of you is never going to hear about you until you make the first move. Yes, it is difficult, but with persistence and manners it does pay off in the long run. Of course, be courteous and respectful. Introduce yourself and your offerings, and take it from there.

Lunch and Learns - These relate to convention marketing, but instead of going to an event, you invite the clients to your facility to showcase your products or services. The showcase is free and a great way for managers and sales people to get to know your clients. Plus it helps to put a face to a name. One example would be ETI Indianapolis, which has made itself known as a business skills training center throughout Indianapolis, Indiana by routinely offering Lunch and Learn seminars for existing and potential clients. It's also a great opportunity to meet people from the immediate region who are interested in your offerings.

Service Clubs - While taking place too early for some, many service clubs attract small business owners and leaders of the community. They are a great way to get you know your future clients and competition, and participation in service club fundraisers and events can generate a positive image for your company.

Admittedly, not all of these steps may work in your individual case. However, these B2B lead generation ideas can be effective. Maybe your facility should schedule tours to demonstrate your quality service levels; perhaps there's a gift service of product offering to attract your audience. Maybe mass mailings are best for you. Regardless of your preferred method, the most important thing is to establish contact and assist with planning your clients' futures.

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