Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Network Marketing Lead Generation 101

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Every network marketing business wants a permanent flow of leads, but often it’s arduous to get an adequate amount of leads in. I am going to demonstrate to you a method using content marketing that you can utilize to get unlimited leads for your mlm all day long for free.

This will only really work if you have a blog or website, so the first step is to set one up if you don’t have one. It is vital to know that the search engines like Google, love websites that have frequent new content added to them. Secondly your webpage’s need to be optimized for the search engines, make sure that the page title, content and descriptions contain the keywords or phrases that you want to show up for in the search query returned listings. Take care not to ‘keyword stuff’ by repeating your phrases too often or you will end up not showing up for anything.

Also when you write your content write it for your reader. You may have come across articles and webpage’s before where the target key phrase is constantly mentioned, this is very annoying, the spiders that crawl your site don’t like it either and they will punish you by dropping your ranking into never never land, that’s if they rank you at all!

The main calculation that search engines use to rank a sites importance is the number of backlinks that point to it, the more the better.

There are 2 reasons we want to use this method, we want to get our webpage’s ranked highly in the search engines so that we can get targeted traffic and we also want to get the content out to as many places as possible all over the internet so we pick up traffic from many different sources. Here are the steps in brief…

1) Write an article or a blog post that offers good valuable information to the reader keep it fairly short and concise and make sure that what you promise in the article title you actually deliver. Of course it’s important that your content subject relates to your choosen keyphrase that you want to target, your article or post should also entice your reader into wanting more information so that they will click your link.

2) After you have posted your article to your blog or webpage use a tool called Onlywire which will syndicate it to all of the top social bookmarking and network sites.

3) Next you want to produce a short video promoting your piece of content, there are several ways of doing this…powerpoint presentation, screen capture or actually you on camera. The reason for doing this is to get more people to see your material, you want to leave viewers in suspense so that after they have watched your video they will want to click through to your website to find out more information. After you have done that distribute it to various podcasting and video websites.

4) After this you will want to spin your original content and then post it to all of the popular directories that accept articles. It is important to spin the document first so that you will get more benefit from your incoming links. There are tools you can buy to do this for you.

5) Once you have done all this syndicate your original content to the social networking sites.
In a nutshell that’s it. You need to do this consistently for it to actually work.

This is a brief overview of this ridiculously potent network marketing lead generation method and no doubt you will have many burning questions but before you do please visit our social networking site at Veepnet and our own social media marketing program - V Network!

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